Tuesday, September 2, 2008


And the nie nie cupcakes go to... Patrick!  He outbid everyone, including, generously, his own self. 

Thanks very much indeed for participating here and elsewhere!  If you're not done yet, there's still some auctions going on, and a great promotion from fantastic photographer Jonathan Canlas.  I chose our wedding photographer because she'd studied with him (but was, uh, a better budget fit).  If you're thinking about getting family photos done this month, check out his super kind offer.

We've got family visiting so I'll probably be posting more heavily next week.

Happy end of summer!


  1. Those cup cakes are really cute!! You have become quite the master at that stuff!! Have fun with Margaret and the boys this week!
    I am super excited for you to make our new baby something!! I think we will find out in November if it's a boy or girl!!

  2. Thank you for your support! When you finalize your totals for your auction, can you email the grand total to nienieauction@gmail.com where we are collecting totals for the many auctions that took place. Thanks again!
